Portfolio Projects

Oil on canvas, 6" x 4", 2019. (Sold)

Oil on canvas, 6" x 4", 2019 (Sold)

Inspired by Donald Teskey. Oil on canvas. 30 x 22 cm. 2015. (Sold)

Collage and acrylic on card. 45 x 60 cm. 2015. (Sold)

Modrock and acrylic. 40 x 55cm. 2015

Acrylic and wire on canvas. 35 x 45 cm. 2015

Oil pastel, acrylic on card. 70 x 80 cm. 2015. (Sold)

Collage,charcoal and soft pastels on card. 120 x 80cm. (Exhibited - Inspire, Andrews Gallery, Titanic Quarter )2015

Digital overlay, paper Gothic, Framewerk Gallery. 2019
Covid 19
Selection of ongoing studies and sketches during the lockdown and beyond

Covid - 19 postcard project

Covid - 19 postcard project. Ink on h0-sho paper

Study of closed door that is walked past during daily exercise

Children's Games watercolour

Covid - 19 postcard project

Covid-19 postcard project

Study of closed door that is walked past during daily exercise

7 day art therapy instagram challenge

7 day art therapy instagram challenge

Covid - 19 postcard prject
Ongoing study of the Bruegel painting Childrens' Games.

Mixed Media